The reality of Reiki...

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The reality of Reiki...

24th January 2018 12:30 PM

Author: Samantha Jackson

Reiki is still surrounded by many myths and misconceptions, here Reiki Practitioner, Massage Therapist & Reflexologist: Sam Jackson dispels some of the mysteries and shares the reality of this wonderful healing treatment.

'I’ve been practising Reiki for a number of years, although it is gradually becoming better known there are still many people who don’t understand what it is or its potential benefits.

For those of you who would like to know more, here’s a few Real Reiki Facts!

The Beginnings

Reiki is a relatively young therapy and was developed by Mikao Usui in Japan in the early 1900’s.

Usui had been practising meditation in Mount Kurama when the notion of balancing one bodies energy with another bodies energy came to him.

The definition of Reiki (pronounced Ray Key) means ‘Universal Life Energy’.

Not a religious practice

A common misconception is that Reiki is associated with religion or a religious group.

This is not the case. Any reference to spirituality should only be associated with an individual’s humanity and internal self and not a religious body or organisation.

Why choose Reiki?

Reiki is a non-invasive therapy and is suitable for all. Reiki is often practised as a complementary therapy in hospitals and care homes alongside mainstream treatments. 

Although Reiki can offer possible benefits, it should never be used as an alternative to conventional medicine.

What is involved in a Reiki Treatment?

As with most therapies a consultation will take place prior to treatment.

There is no need to remove clothes during a treatment, you will be asked to get comfortable and relax on a chair or massage table.

The Practitioner will then place their hands on or near to your body, with the intention of transferring positive, healing energy from Practitioner to Client.

The Practitioner will then focus energies on different parts of the body including the feet, knees, torso, and head, lingering on certain areas which may need a deeper transfer of energy.

During the treatment you may experience a sense of extreme relaxation and possible warmth or tingling sensation in the areas of transfer.

Are there any post treatment effects?

Post treatment you should feel no serious side effects - just very relaxed!

Initially you may experience a lack of concentration and tiredness, this will gradually dissolve away after the treatment.

Do drink plenty of water post treatment to help to cleanse the system and avoid alcohol certainly for a few hours afterwards.’


Did you know… Reiki can be given to people, animals, plants, food, and water. Almost anything in fact.

To find out more or to book an appointment with Sam Jackson – give the Bridge Team a call on 01332 521 270.

Tags: Reiki

Treatments: Reiki

Practitioners: Samantha Jackson

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