Does your job make you happy?

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Does your job make you happy?

16th September 2013 01:09 PM

Author: Katy Henry

There’s something deeply satisfying about getting home at the end of the day feeling tired but knowing that you have achieved something.......

Depression, Stress, Exhaustion, Disturbed Sleep, Anger, Frustration and the sense of ‘cannot be bothered’ are just some of the symptoms that we can experience when we feel trapped in a job that we don’t like, perhaps with a boss we don’t get on with or that we have ‘settled for’.

I have experienced many of these symptoms and not even because, or not always because of, the above reasons, but because I hadn’t found a profession that I could feel proud of, a sense of achievement with or that just ‘fitted’ me.  Each day I would drift through work, not completely dissatisfied, but equally not returning home feeling that I was in the right place.

Thankfully that has changed – dramatically! Now, after discovering a passion for acupuncture I am able to go to work every day (yes sometimes 7 days a week) and do something that I LOVE.  Don’t get me wrong, my work is not without stress.  I co-own and manage a thriving Natural Health Centre (with a lot of help from a great team).  I sometimes work longer hours than is often good for me and I am exercising patience for the financial reward that I hope will show itself to me (soon, please & thank you!).  Yet each day, I go to work knowing that I am part of something at The Bridge Centre which makes a difference in people’s lives.

I know that each and every day I will be rewarded in some way.  Laughter is frequent, as are tears (some joyful, often sad) as people share their stories with me and we embark on a journey to move through a certain stage in their lives.  It may be to have a longed for family, it may be struggling to cope with the loss of a loved one or living with persistent migraines. No journey is the same and the people I meet enrich my life as I hope I do theirs.   

I consider myself extremely fortunate for many, many reasons.  I live with a man I love, I have fabulous friends and a wonderful family who love me ‘whatever’ and a passion for the work I do and the people I spend time with in my nurturing and caring working environment.  Most of all I am grateful to have found ME!

Tags: Acupuncture, Stress

Treatments: Acupuncture for Fertility, Acupuncture

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