Staying well this winter

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Staying well this winter

7th February 2015 12:25 PM

Author: Samantha Farmer

6 Tips on how to support your winter immunity and avoid a cold

Keep well hydrated with filtered water or try warm water with lemon slices and grated fresh ginger if you have a tickly throat.

Lemon juice provides a concentrated source of vitamin C, well known for its immune supporting function.  Lemon zest contains an essential oil called limonene, which has antiseptic properties, making it ideal for a gargle.

Ginger has been used in Chinese medicine for centuries and is commonly used for stomach issues, but its ability to boost circulation helps warm the body, whilst its antiseptic and expectorant qualities provide relief to coughs and colds.

Boost your vitamin C levels with a wide range of colourful fruits and vegetables, including peppers, broccoli, kale and strawberries.

Vitamin C enhances anti-viral activity, and protects against pollutants. Supplementation may be required particularly during times of stress, in those who smoke, or those exposed to polluntants, particularly if you are on medication or have a health condition.

Chicken soup provides a sustaining, warm meal and is a rich source of protein, niacin, selenium and vitamin B to support your immune function.

Buy organic chicken when you can to reduce your exposure to antibiotics and growth promoters, and ensure it is cooked thoroughly to avoid foodborne infections.

Avoid over-exercising when you have a common cold.

According to the American College of Sports Medicine moderate exercise is acceptable if the cold is from the neck up, but bed rest is advisable if the symptoms are systemic with fever, lung congestion or achey limbs.  Too much exercise at this time can promote dehydration and make you more susceptible to other infections.

Get plenty of sleep to support your immune system.

Sleepless nights can increase inflammation and reduce immune function, so tuck up warm in a well-ventilated bedroom and get a good night's sleep.

Finally, but not least, if you have not yet had your vitamin D status checked, pop to your Doctor and asked to be tested, as it plays a significant role in immunity.

Most residents in the northern hemisphere are low in vitamin D, which is predominantly produced through exposure to the sund.  It is recommended that bare skin be exposed to the sund for 10 to 15 minutes each day between the months of May to September to provide enough vitamin D to take us through the winter months. Supplementation may be necessary, but seek professional advice.

Stay well and enjoy winter!

Tags: colds, immune system, Nutritional Therapy

Treatments: Nutritional Therapy

Practitioners: Samantha Farmer

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