Back, Neck & Joint Pain
The human body is a remarkable and complex machine that for the most part works extremely well. Sometimes though things can go wrong and we may experience pain and dysfunction and need help.
Pain and malfunction of the back, neck or any of the joints of the body are common and it is estimated that nearly 80% of all adults will experience back pain at some point in their lives. The symptoms of back pain often occur suddenly and can be triggered by a particular movement, but the causes may have been building for some time. Joint pain may occur suddenly or may have been building in intensity until it is no longer bearable and may have been caused by a mechanical malfunction or have a link to diet or an underlying medical condition. When you are in pain you need to find someone who understands this complexity and who can begin work straight away to relieve your pain. There are many ways to treat back, neck and joint pain and sometimes a combination of approaches is needed.
Often people are told by doctors that they have pain because they are getting old or that they must learn to live with pain but we believe that in most cases something can be done to significantly improve the situation.
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