Traditional Acupuncture is a popular therapy system which is built on ancient principles.
Acupuncture is a holistic therapy meaning the Practitioner focuses on you as a whole person caring for your physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing. At the Bridge Centre we offer Five Element Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicinal Acupuncture, both techniques originate from ancient Chinese medicine honed and refined throughout a 2000-year history. We also offer Body Balance Method Acupuncture, which uses channel theory to treat pain and other physical and emotional complaints.
The main principle belief of Acupuncture is that everyone's well-being depends on the quality and amount of energy or Qi (pronounced chee) which runs through our body via energy channels. Interruptions to the natural flow of Qi can be related to an upset in physical wellbeing: illness, injury, poor nutrition or emotional unrest such as stress, anxiety and depression.
What is Acupuncture?
The intention of an acupuncture treatment is to release energy blockages through the insertion of fine needles, and thereby encourage clear energy flow and promote emotional and physical wellbeing.
Find out more about Acupuncture for Fertility
Benefits of Acupuncture
Acupuncture can be used to support general health and wellbeing, and may prove beneficial in collaboration with Western Medicine’s treatment of a wide range of conditions and complaints including:
- Back, neck and joint problems/pain
- Muscular injuries and ailments such as Arthritis
- Fertility and pregnancy including morning sickness
- Headache & migraine
- Menstrual problems
- Digestive disorders
- Chronic fatigue
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Stress
- Insomnia
- Asthma/lung problems
For more information on how acupuncture may be beneficial for you head over to the British Acupuncture Councils website:
What to expect
As a holistic therapy Acupuncture treats the person as a whole, rather than treating symptoms alone. In preparation for your treatment the practitioner will talk with you about your physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing to enable your treatment to be tailored to your specific needs.
Our Acupuncturists may take notes during your sessions to assess changes and to structure future treatment sessions
A treatment will include insertion of needles in specific areas or 'meridians' of the body, these areas are determined by your specific needs. Please note that In order to access certain areas, it may be necessary for some clothing to be removed. If you are uncomfortable with this, then please let your Acupuncturist know. We recommend wearing comfortable clothing in which you feel relaxed. A cover will be provided to protect your modesty should you prefer to remain covered up, or you're welcome to bring a cosy blanket with you.
Does it hurt?
Insertion of the needle should not cause pain although you may experience a slight twinge or ache when the needle is rotated to meet the direction of the Qi. If you do not like the feeling please do speak with your Practitioner. We strongly advise all clients never to try to remove the needle yourself.
See: for more information about this and other frequently asked questions about Acupuncture.
How to book
Contact us online or call us on 01332 521 270 today to speak to a member of our team or to book your treatment.
COVID-19 Information
Click here for Important Information Regarding Your Visit, including current restrictions and guidelines in place.
Getting to the Bridge Centre for Natural Health
The Bridge Centre for Natural Health is easily located at the end of the parade of shops on Ladybank Road in Mickleover, Derby, with free parking available outside the centre. The centre is also accessible via the main bus route services from Mickleover to Derby city centre.
With the A38 and A50 just minutes away not only is the centre conveniently located for the surrounding areas such as Littleover, Allestree, and Hilton, but also accessible from Ashbourne, Burton-on-Trent, and further afield.
Cancellation Policy
We understand that people’s lives are busy and complex and that things happen which are out of your control. Wherever possible though we require 24-hour's notice of a cancelled appointment. If 24-hour's notice is not given our Practitioners reserve the right to charge you for the full cost of the missed appointment. This is at the discretion of the individual Practitioners.
Book your Treatment
Contact us today to speak to a member of our team or to book your treatment.
Gift Vouchers
Treat someone you love to the gift of relaxation & rejuvenation with a Bridge Centre Gift Voucher
Five Element Acupuncture has given me my life back. I used to spend 2-3 days in bed every month with migraines. Now I spend 45 minutes every 2-3 months having acupuncture and continue enjoying my life. Once we got the migraines under control we started to tackle my asthma.
Trudy, Derbyshire
01332 521270