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14 results for the tag 'Massage'

Photo of Pre-Holiday Checklist

Pre-Holiday Checklist

The flights are booked and the hotel is all paid for, the only thing left to do is locate your flip-flops and pack your Factor 50, or is it? Before you condense your pre-holiday preparation to a quickly scribbled packing list (or a spreadsheet if you’re super-organised), take a look at our Bridge Centre Pre-Holiday Checklist to...

Photo of Body Fit, Mind Fit Month Roundup

Body Fit, Mind Fit Month Roundup

Throughout May we’ve been looking at what it means to us to get ‘summer-ready’. No crash diets and sit-up challenges here - instead we believe that a stronger, healthier body and a clearer mind are paramount to feeling your best over the warmer months. Here are just some of the treatments and therapies available at the Bridge...

Photo of How Often Should You Get A Massage?

How Often Should You Get A Massage?

Wondering how often you need to be kneaded? A question we’re regularly asked is how often should you get a massage? Like so many things when it comes to your health and wellbeing, a tailored approach usually works best. The type of massage you prefer, along with your reason for seeking therapy plays a huge part in determining the...

Photo of N is for Natural Health

N is for Natural Health

Natural Health - What exactly is it? As you might have spotted our full centre name is The Bridge Centre for Natural Health, but what exactly is Natural Health? The term natural health may mean different things to different people. To us the term reflects our flexible and tailored approach to wellbeing that places YOU at the centre...

Photo of Pregnancy Massage with Samantha Jackson

Pregnancy Massage with Samantha Jackson

Pregnancy Massage with Samantha (Sam) Jackson Sam Jackson is one of our fabulous Practitioners here at the Bridge Centre, she is with us Monday - Friday. She offers a variety of treatments including Reflexology, Hopi Ear Candles, Reiki and Massage. One of her most popular therapies is Pregnancy Massage. So what exactly makes up...

Photo of Putting the Treat in Treatments

Putting the Treat in Treatments

Many of us lead hectic lives, balancing a myriad of everyday stresses and strains. Here at The Bridge Centre we firmly believe in the importance of trying to carve out a little bit of me-time to help recharge and revive the batteries, whether that’s as a treat for a loved one, a de-stress in the run up to an important day, or as an...

Photo of D is for Deep Tissue Massage

D is for Deep Tissue Massage

D is for Deep Tissue Massage Clients tend to enquire about Deep Tissue Massage when they’re looking for someone to go to town on all their aches, pains, and niggles. But what exactly is Deep Tissue Massage, and are elbows really involved?? …Let’s find out! There’s a common misconception that Deep Tissue Massage is similar...

Photo of I is for Injuries

I is for Injuries

Minor injuries are a part of life, but that doesn’t necessarily mean we have to succumb to days, weeks or even months of discomfort! Most of us have suffered an injury at one time or another. A sprained ankle, a torn ligament, maybe a pulled muscle. Whilst many injuries are short-lived and quick to resolve themselves, it’s not...

Photo of Face the Flush - A Guide to the Menopause

Face the Flush - A Guide to the Menopause

The menopause might be a natural part of aging for women, but with its long-lasting and wide-ranging symptoms that can span several years, it might not feel like a very natural process at times! Here at The Bridge Centre we’re committed to helping you navigate these changes and supporting you to take control of the process and find...

Photo of Lymphatic Drainage Massage – What is it and when could it help?

Lymphatic Drainage Massage – What is it and when could it help?

Lymphatic Drainage Massage – What is it and when could it help? What is the Lymphatic system? The Lymphatic System is part of your immune system, it is made up of Lymph Nodes, Tonsils, the Spleen and Adenoids. The Lymphatic System’s main...

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